Friday, 11 October 2013

The Hills are Alive...and So am I

Peak phase of my Ironman training started at the end of August and ran right through September (and sometimes over me as well). 

This is when it gets tough - I mean really tough.  Long swims, long bike rides, long runs = very little time for anything else.  I did have to fit a full time job and husband in there somehow, although both have been incredibly wonderful and supportive.

Training Review - 917.57k / 64:45 hours / 43 workouts

All of the hilly bike rides, conquering Steeles and hilly runs led me to my Half Ironman race - Ironman Muskoka 70.3 on the first weekend of September.  This is one mother of a course - good swim, but tough bike and run.  The pros come here to get ready for Kona...and I'm here why?

My friend Shelley and I travelled up to Muskoka on the Friday and got prepared to race on Sunday.  This was my first official Ironman race, so I was interested in how the process worked (to give me a taste of what to expect in Florida).  It was extremely well organized and in no time, we had racked our bikes in transition, got our race kits and were on the shuttle bus back to the hotel.

During this journey, I have been so blessed with the most incredible support team anyone could ask for and this race was no different.  A car load of supporters left home at the crack of dark to drive to Muskoka to see us race - love my peeps!

Race day was perfect weather and I was surprisingly calm (hoping part of this will translate to Florida as well).  I had a stellar swim (11 minute PB over last year's Half Iron), a strong bike and a strong run.  I said I was not going to get off my bike for any hills - I didn't.  I exceeded my time goals that I had in my head for both the bike and run and finished with a smile on my face.  It doesn't get much better than that...or so I thought.

Once we were done and on our way back to get our bikes from transition, I saw Mirinda Carfrae (who won Muskoka this year) and asked if we could have our photo taken with her.  She was so accommodating and even hugged us (sweat and all!).  This was definitely the icing on my race cake.

So all my hard work definitely paid off in Muskoka.  I had an awesome race and loved every minute (yes, even climbing at 7 km/h and running up that last hill).

I know that if I can finish Muskoka, I can finish Florida.  Coming into that Ironman chute and being greeted with my medal, finisher hat and shirt was a great feeling - can't wait to do it again on November 2.

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